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Kastles 4 Hope partners with non-profits and NGOs to offer long-term housing to at-risk, aged-out foster youth and human trafficking victims. We provide resources to help them develop the skills necessary for successful independent living.

Bridging the housing gap between healing and restoration

Bridging the housing gap between healing and restoration

California has the highest human trafficking rate in the United States. Approximately 13,079 people were trafficked in Sacramento alone from 2015 to 2020. While programs have been implemented to rescue these victims, what happens after they're delivered from this horrific crime? Where can they go to transition back into society?

Survivors of Human Trafficking

In the first four years after aging out of foster care, approximately 20% of former foster youth will experience homelessness.  An estimated 50% of foster youth in the United States who reunified with prior caregivers (often family) and ultimately became homeless, said they were subjected to repeat abuse and/or neglect post-reunification. We can help.

Aged Out of Foster Youth

How You Can Help...

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"Where passion and purpose meet to provide

support for those in need."

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